Families bring a service dog in training home with them and teach them house manners & basic obedience (with our guidance), and get the dog exposed to lots of different environments. Puppy raisers can take on a young puppy or an adolescent depending on what is available and what works best for the family. Puppy raising is a 3-8 month co
Families bring a service dog in training home with them and teach them house manners & basic obedience (with our guidance), and get the dog exposed to lots of different environments. Puppy raisers can take on a young puppy or an adolescent depending on what is available and what works best for the family. Puppy raising is a 3-8 month commitment.
Puppy Raisers local to Oregon do not need any prior experience. Out-of-state puppy raisers must have prior service dog raising or training experience.
Socializers sign up for 2-hour shifts each week and help our trainer take groups of service dogs on outings in public around Bend and Redmond. Socializers will learn how to handle the service dogs in training, teach them specialized tasks, and expose them to different environments.
Some outings involve going to stores, being in crowds, a
Socializers sign up for 2-hour shifts each week and help our trainer take groups of service dogs on outings in public around Bend and Redmond. Socializers will learn how to handle the service dogs in training, teach them specialized tasks, and expose them to different environments.
Some outings involve going to stores, being in crowds, and sitting at cafes. Socializers must be willing to travel to the Bend area for their volunteer shift.
Whelper Helpers assist in the general care and socialization of our puppies when we we have service dog litters. This involves cleaning, laundry, grooming and bathing puppies, feeding, exposing puppies to different things, and lots of puppy snuggles.
Whelper Helpers sign up for 2-hour shifts each week and shifts take place at our facility in Terrebonne, OR.
Service Dog Sitters take in our service dogs in training on a short-term basis when our trainers and puppy raisers go out of town, or there is a gap in puppy raiser coverage.
We provide food, crate, leash, collar, and vest. We also cover any vet care expenses.
Service Dog Sitters can be in the Bend, Portland, Boise, Phoenix, San Luis O
Service Dog Sitters take in our service dogs in training on a short-term basis when our trainers and puppy raisers go out of town, or there is a gap in puppy raiser coverage.
We provide food, crate, leash, collar, and vest. We also cover any vet care expenses.
Service Dog Sitters can be in the Bend, Portland, Boise, Phoenix, San Luis Obispo or Los Angeles areas since that is where we have groups of puppy raisers.
Please fill out and email volunteer applications to theservicedogconnectionprogram@gmail.com
Puppy Raisers & Service Dog Sitters: Please fill out the SDC Puppy Raiser Application & SDC Volunteering Liability Release.
Socializers & Whelper Helpers: Please Fill Out the Socializer & Whelper Helper Volunteer Application & the SDC Volunteer Liability Release.
Puppy raisers are volunteers who take in and foster a service dog in training until that dog is ready to move on to advanced task training with one of our staff trainers. Our service dogs in training live in the homes of puppy raisers and accompany them everywhere they go, including to stores, restaurants, and school or work. Puppy raisers allow our dogs to get lots of one-on-one socialization and training time to practice the basic commands and good behavior in a wide variety of public settings.
-Be at least 18 years old, or at least 10 years old with the support of their family or guardian
-Be willing to attend at least one group training session a month or make accommodations with one of our trainers to meet virtually once a month for training guidance.
-Be willing to follow training video instructions and do zoom check-ins if you live over 2hrs away from San Luis Obispo, CA or Bend, OR.
-Be willing and able to follow SDC training guidelines and reinforce training of the service dog.
-Be willing to give the service dog in training regular exercise and grooming.
-Be able to commit to a minimum of three months of fostering if within 5hours of us, or a minimum of eight months of fostering if over 5hours from us.
If you are interested in being one of our puppy raisers, please fill out our Puppy Raiser application found further down on this page. All applications can be sent to theservicedogconnectionprogram@gmail.com. Once we receive your application we will review it and set up a time to meet and do training with you to figure out what type of training dog would be best for your situation.
Even if you aren't able to be a full-time puppy raiser there are several ways you can get involved and help out. We frequently need temporary fosters for our dogs (1-4 weeks) if our puppy raisers go out of town or our trainers are gone on placements. We can also use the help of people with photography and videography skills, volunteer dog groomers, and people helping at our group training sessions. Anyone interested in helping out in these ways are encouraged to send us an email!
Here at The Service Dog Connection we try our best to make sure our Puppy Raisers feel as supported as possible! We offer group training sessions at least twice a month in Bend, OR to teach handling skills to all of our fosters. For those outside of the Bend area, we offer virtual support through Zoom and Facetime video chat training sessions and phone calls. We are also available for one-on-one training sessions if more individualized support is needed. The Service Dog Connection provides dog food, a kennel, leash, gentle leader, vest, and dog toys, and also covers all veterinary expenses for the service dog in training. We also give puppy raisers access to our training tutorial videos to help learn our handling techniques.
Puppy raising is a great way to give back to the community by helping someone get an incredible service dog, but it is also a lot of fun! Puppy raising is an amazing option for people who want to enjoy the company of a dog but are not necessarily able or wanting to commit to a pet for 12-14 years, or able to have a pet for financial or housing situations. Since service dogs in training are exempt from no pet policies, and we cover all of the financial costs. It is also a great thing if you are just wanting to learn more about dog training and handling.
Socializers meet up with our local Bend, Oregon trainer to help with group service dog training outings in public. Our trainer will teach the socializer positive reinforcement dog training techniques and will rotate through several dogs in a 2-hour shift. Socializers give our dogs the opportunity to get more one-on-one training time and also get used to having different handlers. If socializers are up for the challenge, they can also learn how to do the advanced task training specific to helping a person's disability.
Once the socializer has had enough experience with our trainer, they will be authorized to "check out" service dogs in training from our facility for daytime outings for up to 12 hours whenever they would like.
-Be at least 18 years old, or at least 10 years old with a parent/guardian present.
-Be willing to sign up for regular 2-hour shifts each week
-Have reliable transportation to different public training locations in Deschutes County
-Be willing and able to follow SDC training guidelines and reinforce training of the service dog.
-Be comfortable handling large dogs.
We run a service dog breeding program and rely heavily on volunteers to socialize our puppies, feed, groom and bathe them, and help keep the puppy pens and yards clean. Whelper Helpers sign up for 2-hour shifts each week when we have puppy litters, and all shifts will take place at our facility in Central Oregon.
-Be at least 18 years old, or at least 10 years old with a parent/guardian present.
-Be willing to sign up for regular 2-hour shifts each week
-Have reliable transportation to our training facility in Deschutes County
-Be willing and able to follow SDC training guidelines and reinforce training of the service dog.
-Diligently follow sanitization protocol when entering the puppy nursery.
Service Dog Sitters help temporarily foster our service dogs in training when our puppy raisers or trainers go out of town. They also help care for service dogs in training when we have a gap in coverage when a dog is transitioning between puppy raisers. The service dog in training comes to live with the Service Dog Sitter in their home, and the job of the Sitter is to maintain that dog's training. Sometimes we just need coverage for a dog over a weekend, and other times we need coverage for a dog for up to 3 weeks.
The Service Dog Connection provides food, crate, leash, vest, and collar for the service dog in training. We also cover the cost of veterinary care of the service dog pup.
-Be at least 18 years old
-Be willing to follow training video instructions
-Be willing and able to follow SDC training guidelines and reinforce training of the service dog.
-Be willing to give the service dog in training regular exercise and grooming.
-Be comfortable handling large breed dogs.
-Live in the Bend, Portland, Boise, Phoenix, San Luis Obispo, or Los Angeles areas (where our groups of puppy raisers are).